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ABA Routing Number

The 9-digit number (8 digits and a check verification digit) that identifies a specific financial institution. Also referred to as a Financial Institution Routing Number or Routing Transit Number.   Back to top

Account Mask Information

Editing criteria used to verify the accuracy of a payee's account number in certain electronic payment transactions.   Back to top


The process wherein a customer selects a payee account for bill presentment and/or payment, agrees to the payee's terms and conditions, and establishes the account with the payee and the bill payment systems.   Back to top


Service bureaus that provide bill presentment and/or payment consolidation services.   Back to top


The amount to be paid for each bill.   Back to top


The process that determines the identity of a party.   Back to top


An agreement between a receiver and originator that allows the originator to initiate debits and/or credits to a receiver's account.   Back to top

Automated Clearing House (ACH)

Funds transfer system governed by NACHA Operating Rules, which provide for clearing of electronic transactions between participating financial institutions.    Back to top

Available Account Balance

The available balance as of the date posted by your financial institution. This balance reflects the total amount of funds that is available for immediate withdrawal according to your financial institution's funding availability policy. This amount may not be the same as your current balance if there are holds or pending credits that have not been posted to your account.   Back to top


Bank Routing Number

The number that uniquely identifies a bank for payment processing. Also referred to as an ABA Number or Routing Transit Number.   Back to top

Bill Consolidator

A Bill Service Provider that consolidates bills from other Bill Service Providers or payees and delivers them for presentment to your bill payment system.   Back to top

Bill Detail

Information from a payee that provides line-level account information. This may include specific billing event information such as credit card charges, telephone calls, or kilowatts used.   Back to top

Bill Inbox

A list of the bills that you must approve before we will send a payment and any notices from your payees.   Back to top

Bill Notification

A process whereby a customer is notified that an electronic bill is available for review and payment.   Back to top

Bill Payment Enrollment

The process by which you register to use online bill payment.   Back to top

Bill Payment Manager

An agent of the customer that provides an interface directly to customers, businesses, or others for bill presentment. BPM enrolls customers, enables presentment, and provides customer support, among other functions.   Back to top

Bill Summary

The summary information from a payee that is essential to a customer to understand what is owed. Typical information may include: amount owed, due date, payee, payee's account number.   Back to top


An electronic or paper document indicating that a payment is due.   Back to top

Biller Payment Provider (BPP)

An agent of the payee that accepts remittance information on behalf of the payee.   Back to top

Biller Service Provider (BSP)

An agent of the payee that provides an EBPP service for the payee.   Back to top

Billing Cycle

The frequency with which a bill is received from a payee.   Back to top

Billing Questions

The phone number of your payee's billing department.   Back to top



The check number for each payment. If the payee accepts electronic payments, this column will display "EFT" to let you know how the payment will be issued.   Back to top

Check Number

The check number if a check was issued for this payment or the electronic funds transfer (EFT) number if the transaction was an electronic payment.   Back to top


The date the transaction was posted to your bank account.   Back to top

Cleared Bank Transactions

Some banks only maintain the last 30 or 60 days of transactions on their website. We will download and display the same number of transactions as your bank allows for downloads and let you know how many days of transactions appear.   Back to top


A Bill Service Provider that consolidates bills from multiple payees or other Bill Service Providers (BSPs) and delivers them for presentment to your bill payment system.   Back to top


An entry to the record of an account representing the transfer or placement of funds into an account.   Back to top


An individual or entity that receives goods or services that are subject to bills, invoices, or statements. The typical receiver of a bill.   Back to top

Customer Payment Provider (CPP)

An agent of the customer that originates payments on behalf of the customer.   Back to top

Customer Service

The phone number of your payee's customer service department.   Back to top


Data Transmission

The electronic exchange of information between 2 or more data processing points.   Back to top


An entry to request transfer or withdrawal of funds from an account.   Back to top

Debit Transaction

A payment transaction originated by a payee for which you have authorized us to withdraw funds from your account.   Back to top


The date that each bill is due at the payee's location. You should schedule payment five to seven business days before the due date in this list. If a bill arrives as Due Upon Receipt, the date that the payment arrived is listed as the due date.   Back to top


E-Mail Address

An electronic mail address, usually belonging to the customer, to which banking correspondence can be sent.   Back to top

Electronic Bill Presentment And Payment (EBPP)

The electronic presentation of statements, bills, invoices, and related information sent by a company to its customers, and corresponding to payment for goods or services.   Back to top

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Electronic payment such as ACH or wire transfer.   Back to top

Electronic Payment

Any non-paper type of payment.   Back to top


Computer-generated algorithm that allows secure communication between parties.   Back to top


Federal Reserve

Central bank of the United States that sets monetary policy and provides services to financial institutions.   Back to top

Filed Bill

A bill that you do not want to pay using this website, but want to save for your records. For example, a bill with a zero balance or a bill that no longer needs to be paid. Once you file a bill, it is permanently removed from your Bill Inbox and cannot be paid.    Back to top

Financial Institution (FI)

A state or federally-chartered depository institution, such as a bank, savings and loan, or credit union.   Back to top

Funding Account Description

A description you assign to the funding account to identify it.   Back to top


National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA)

NACHA is a national, payment association that develops operating rules and business practices for the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network and for electronic payments in the areas of Internet Commerce, electronic bill and invoice presentment and payments (EBPP, EIPP), e-checks, financial electronic data interchange (EDI), international payments, and electronic benefit transfer (EBT). NACHA also provides information and education to members.   Back to top

Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF)

Insufficient funds available to settle a payment.   Back to top

Notification Of Change (NOC)

An ACH entry that notifies an originator that information contained in an entry is incorrect or erroneous.   Back to top


Paid from

The payment account that will be used for this payment.   Back to top


The password you use to access your Online Banking account.   Back to top


A company or organization that sends you a bill, invoice, or statement, usually a request for payment for a product or service.   Back to top

Payee website Address

The website address of your payee.   Back to top

Payee Description

The payee name associated with payment of a bill.   Back to top

Payee Nickname

A description you assign to identify a payee.   Back to top

Payee User ID or Account Number

The account information that you use to log in to your payee's website.   Back to top


A vehicle to affect the transfer of value.   Back to top

Payment Authorizations/Instructions

Instructions for routing/posting the payment. For example, instructions indicating the bank account into which payments should be deposited.   Back to top

Payment Category

The group that you assign to a payee during setup.   Back to top

Payment Due Date

The date by which the payee requires payment from the customer.   Back to top

Payment Instructions

Instructions for routing/posting the payment. For example, instructions indicating the bank account into which payments should be deposited.   Back to top

Payment Instruments

The instruments required to initiate a payment.   Back to top

Payment Method

A method used to facilitate and process a payment.   Back to top

Payment Outbox

The scheduled payments, including those you approved and those you scheduled for automatic payment.   Back to top

Payment Posted Date

The date on which a payment is posted to an account.   Back to top

Payments System

A system or network used to process payments.   Back to top

Personal Finance Management Or Manager (PFM)

Personal Finance Manager Software used to manage your financial information. Often includes categorization, reporting, and graphing capabilities, as well as the ability to download account and transaction information from your financial institution.   Back to top


The process of recording debits and credits to account balances.   Back to top


Received From

The payee for each item. If you specified a nickname for the payee, that name is displayed.   Back to top


An ACH entry or file sent with required deadlines to correct or reverse a previously originated duplicate or erroneous entry or file.   Back to top


Secured Socket Layer (SSL)

A security protocol to enable encrypted, authenticated communications across the Internet.   Back to top


A payee or vendor. An entity providing product or services.   Back to top

Send On

The date that each payment will be initiated to the payee. This is also the date on the check.   Back to top

Send To

The nickname for the payee.   Back to top


The date the payment was sent to the payee.   Back to top


An electronic or paper document sent to you that does not have a payment due associated with it.   Back to top


Total Due

The total amount due for each bill.   Back to top

Transit Routing Number

See ABA Routing Number.   Back to top


Unpaid Bills

Bills that appear in your Bill Inbox on which you have not taken any action.   Back to top