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Frequently Asked Questions

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Bill Receipt

How do you get my billing information?

I'm receiving a bill at home. How do I begin receiving it online?

Why does the "Action needed" link appear on the Make Payments page beneath the name of a person or business I pay?

Bill Receipt

How do you get my billing information?

When you register a payee, you provide their name, billing address, account number (if applicable), and other pertinent information. This is the only information we need to accurately issue payments.

Electronic bills are posted immediately to your account. A bill we retrieve from your biller's website will appear within 24 hours, and your payee's billing address will not change.    Back to top

I'm receiving a bill at home. How do I begin receiving it online?

If you have already set up the payee, to begin online delivery of a bill from your navigation links click My payees. From your list of payees, within the E-Bill Status column, click the "Set up e-bill" link. You should begin receiving your bill online within 1-2 billing cycles.

If you have not yet set up this payee, from your navigation links click Pay Someone New. During the setup process, you will be asked if you want to receive the bill online.    Back to top

Why does the "Action needed" link appear on the Make Payments page beneath the name of a person or business I pay?

This link appears when we need additional information from you regarding your bill.   Back to top